Presentations at the BoatShop

Fine Woodworking Hand Tools 'How To'

Fine Woodworking Hand Tools 'How To'

Deneb Puchalski of Lie-Nielsen Toolworks will be giving a special presentation at the Gig Harbor BoatShop of Lie-Nielsen Hand Tools. Learn how to use and sharpen the Tools. Deneb will present in the Eddon Boatyard joiner shop so participants can handle the tools as well as place tool orders following the presentation, if desired. This is a great opportunity to get your hands on fine woodworking tools that you may have only seen on the website or in a catalog.

This is an open event. First come first serve admittance. Maximum Capacity 46.

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A Reading with Author Richard Bard

A Reading with Author Richard Bard

Join Richard in the Boatyard House for various Readings from his published works interspersed with time for Q&A, as well as time to purchase books and chat with Richard!

He has published four books: West of Spencer, a fishing novel; Red Flags in Blue Water, an account of sea voyages that went impressively south; Tsiu Blue, a memoir-ish fable of the Gulf of Alaska coast that does its best to push the boundaries of plausibility; and a book of deep sea poems, Along the Fifty Fathom Line.

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Unveiling the 'IDYL'

Unveiling the 'IDYL'

Special Event! Gig Harbor BoatShop is honored to host Tom Regan and IDYL, his newly launched 30’ Iain Oughtred designed sharpie sailboat, at the Eddon Boatyard on Saturday, August 31st.

The IDYL will be moored at the end of the boatyard dock for viewing all day on Saturday. At 11AM Saturday morning Tom will give a presentation describing the building of IDYL in the Eddon Boatyard House.

Burgers and beers will be available for purchase beginning at 12:30 and the Eddon Boatyard will be open for tours. Come join Tom, IDYL and the BoatShop crew for a special working waterfront event.

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Building the 'IDYL' Presentation

Building the 'IDYL' Presentation

Special Event! Gig Harbor BoatShop is honored to host Tom Regan and IDYL, his newly launched 30’ Iain Oughtred designed sharpie sailboat, at the Eddon Boatyard on Saturday, August 31st.

The IDYL will be moored at the end of the boatyard dock for viewing all day on Saturday. At 11AM Saturday morning Tom will give a presentation describing the building of IDYL in the Eddon Boatyard House.

Burgers and beers will be available for purchase beginning at 12:30 and the Eddon Boatyard will be open for tours. Come join Tom, IDYL and the BoatShop crew for a special working waterfront event.

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Artist & Commercial Fisherman Tom Crestodina - 2nd Presentation

Artist & Commercial Fisherman Tom Crestodina - 2nd Presentation


An Artist’s View of How Fishermen Catch Our Seafood

Tom Crestodina - author, artist and commercial fisherman - will use his celebrated artistic illustrations to depict the methods and gear-types utilized by commercial fishing vessels to catch our seafood. Tom’s work offers detailed views of vessels, nets, pots, and hook-and-line gear. His presentation is both an insider’s view of commercial fishing in the North Pacific and is a wonderful presentation of a skilled artist and his unique genre.

Born in the Midwest, artist Tom Crestodina has been working as a fisherman in Alaska for over 20 years. He began making cutaway drawings of the vessels he was working on as a way to communicate with his small child while he was at sea. Soon friends and acquaintances started asking for drawings of their commercial boats, and that led Tom down the path of more broadly illustrating the region’s maritime trades. His whimsical artwork is now carried in shops and galleries all over the Pacific coast of North America. He lives in Bellingham, Washington, with Ania and their two children. You can find out more about Tom and his work on his website:

Tickets: $10 - Non Member $8 - Member

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Meet the Artist: Artist & Commercial Fisherman Tom Crestodina

Meet the Artist: Artist & Commercial Fisherman Tom Crestodina


Meet the Artist Tom Crestodina!

The Eddon Boatyard House will be open to the public for approximately two hours -between 1PM and 3PM - for those that would like to meet and talk to Tom. Crestodina’s artwork in the form of prints, books and shirts will be available.

Tom Crestodina - author, artist and commercial fisherman - will use his celebrated artistic illustrations to depict the methods and gear-types utilized by commercial fishing vessels to catch our seafood. Tom’s work offers detailed views of vessels, nets, pots, and hook-and-line gear. His presentation is both an insider’s view of commercial fishing in the North Pacific and is a wonderful presentation of a skilled artist and his unique genre.

Born in the Midwest, artist Tom Crestodina has been working as a fisherman in Alaska for over 20 years. He began making cutaway drawings of the vessels he was working on as a way to communicate with his small child while he was at sea. Soon friends and acquaintance’s started asking for drawings of their commercial boats, and that led Tom down the path of more broadly illustrating the region’s maritime trades. His whimsical artwork is now carried in shops and galleries all over the Pacific coast of North America. He lives in Bellingham, Washington, with Ania and their two children. You can find out more about Tom and his work on his website:

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Artist & Commercial Fisherman Tom Crestodina - 1st Presentation

Artist & Commercial Fisherman Tom Crestodina - 1st Presentation


An Artist’s View of How Fishermen Catch Our Seafood

Tom Crestodina - author, artist and commercial fisherman - will use his celebrated artistic illustrations to depict the methods and gear-types utilized by commercial fishing vessels to catch our seafood. Tom’s work offers detailed views of vessels, nets, pots, and hook-and-line gear. His presentation is both an insider’s view of commercial fishing in the North Pacific and is a wonderful presentation of a skilled artist and his unique genre.

Born in the Midwest, artist Tom Crestodina has been working as a fisherman in Alaska for over 20 years. He began making cutaway drawings of the vessels he was working on as a way to communicate with his small child while he was at sea. Soon friends and acquaintances started asking for drawings of their commercial boats, and that led Tom down the path of more broadly illustrating the region’s maritime trades. His whimsical artwork is now carried in shops and galleries all over the Pacific coast of North America. He lives in Bellingham, Washington, with Ania and their two children. You can find out more about Tom and his work on his website:

Tickets: $10 - Non Member $8 - Member

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Lead Shipwright Tim Lee discusses the rebuilding of ‘Western Flyer’

Lead Shipwright Tim Lee discusses the rebuilding of ‘Western Flyer’


Lead Shipwright Tim Lee discusses the rebuilding of ‘Western Flyer’.

Western Flyer was built at Tacoma’s Western Boat Building Company in 1937. In 1940 John Steinbeck and Ed Ricketts chartered the iconic Tacoma built sardine seiner for a trip to the Sea of Cortez. Renamed and neglected, the boat sank in 2012. In 2015 the Port Townsend Shipwrights Co-op contracted to rebuild the Western Flyer.

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Relaunch Thunderbird No. 1

Relaunch Thunderbird No. 1

Join us for an exciting afternoon of celebration and tradition as Harbor History Museum proudly relaunches their beautifully restored Thunderbird No. 1 at Gig Harbor BoatShop.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday August 26th

Time: 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Rechristening and launch occur at 3:20 PM.

Location: Gig Harbor BoatShop (map)

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First Aid at Sea Workshop

First Aid at Sea Workshop

Washington Sea Grant and Gig Harbor BoatShop are co-sponsoring a Coast Guard-approved First Aid at Sea workshop.

Topics Covered Include:

  • CPR

  • Patient assessment

  • Hypothermia and cold water response

  • Near drowning

  • Shock and trauma

  • Burns and fractures

  • Choking and patient immobilization

  • First Aid kits

$100 ($50 for commercial fishermen)

Click HERE to learn more

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Advanced Boat Lofting
to Feb 14

Advanced Boat Lofting

In this workshop we’ll continue lofting the dinghy we started in the introductory workshop. This time we’ll lay out stem rabbet, transom bevels, and bulkheads. We’ll also develop construction details such backbone construction and fastening.

Session runs Wednesday, Thursday, Friday |   February 12, 13, 14, 2020

6 pm to 9 pm
Fee for Workshop + Materials:  Non-members $175  |  Members $150

Location:  Eddon Boatyard Joiner Shop

The class size is limited to four people

Call (253) 857-9344 or email for reservations

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Boat Lofting
to Jan 17

Boat Lofting

The best way to learn lofting is to do it. Join GHB resident boatwright Tom Regan (a self-described lofting fanatic) in a three-evening workshop to learn about lofting tools, concepts, and techniques.  After three nights of lofting what seemed mysterious, complex, and intimidating will be seem logical and enjoyable.  The skills learned will be applicable to any boat design.

Workshop participants will work as a team to loft a small dinghy while working in the historic Eddon Boatyard woodstove warmed joiner shop.  You'll take home the workbook you used in the program and a new appreciation for boat design. You'll never look at boat plans the same way again!

Session runs Wednesday, Thursday, Friday | January 15, 16, 17, 2020

6 pm to 9 pm

Register by Friday, January 10, 2020
Fee for Workshop + Materials:  Non-members $175  |  Members $150

Location:  Eddon Boatyard Joiner Shop

 Due to class size limit of 4 persons, pre-registration is required

Call (253) 857-9344 for reservations

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Wood Cleats

Wood Cleats

Register by Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Fee for Workshop + Materials:  Non-members $50   |   Members $40

Location:  Eddon Boatyard Joiner Shop

The class is limited to 6 people

Call (253) 857-9344 or email to register.


Attend this workshop and you’ll learn to design and make wooden horn cleats, thumb cleats and more. We’ll design cleats, select wood, make patterns and shape cleats in various types and sizes. You’ll learn how to make practical beautiful cleats easily and inexpensively.

Fees are due at the time of registration. Classes may be cancelled or rescheduled in case of emergency or if the minimum attendance is not met. In the event a class is cancelled, a full refund will be provided.

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Fee for Workshop + Materials: Non-members $35  |  Members $25

Location:  Eddon Boatyard

Class is limited to 6 participants

Call (253) 857-9344 or email for reservations

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make an eye-splice for mooring lines or other types of nautical applications? This class will teach three-strand line eye-splicing. Three-strand splicing is an excellent foundation for learning how to make splices in other types of lines or ropes. And, if you're tired of looking at electrical taped ends on lines that you don't want to unravel - this class will also teach you how make a professional looking seizing or whipping on the ends of your boat lines.

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Leathering Oars

Leathering Oars

Fee for Workshop + Materials / oars & lines not included:  Non-members $55   |   Members $45

Location:  Eddon Boatyard Joiner Shop

Register by Tuesday, September 17th, 2019

 Class size is limited to 6 people

Call (253) 857-9344 or email for reservations

 Learn techniques to protect your oars and dock lines from chafing with leather. Bring your own pair of oars and mooring lines to the workshop with spliced eyes and pre-marked for chafing areas such as toerails and chocks. 

Spruce spoon or flat blade oars are available to purchase. Please pre-order oars one week or more prior to the workshop.

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Join us in the joiner shop for this workshop focused on varnishing! We'll begin by discussing the tools, materials, and techniques used. Then we'll break out the sandpaper and brushes, and practice varnishing various items around the shop. And since here in the PNW varnishing sometimes needs to be done under less than ideal conditions, we'll look into what can be done to get the best results possible in difficult circumstances. With the hands-on experience you gain in the workshop, you'll leave with confidence to tackle those Spring varnishing projects. All materials are provided, please wear work clothes.

Fee: $45 members | $55 non-members

Class is limited to six participants

To register please call (253) 857-9344 or email

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Tools & Hardware Sale

Tools & Hardware Sale

When we clean out the shop we find lots of treasures that we can’t use. Our loss is your gain! Tools and hardware will be for sale all day. Each item is priced and quantities are limited to what we have on hand.

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